
Category: Polymer

Rawtech Trade is a B2B marketplace connecting potential buyers with genuine off grade plastic suppliers through its in-house product specialist who assists both parties with all communication, negotiating, loading, shipping and banking. With your unique dashboard, you can access all documentation, get live updates and learn about market trends to improve your decision making.

Plastics today are mostly made from natural materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and crude oil through a polymerisation or polycondensation process. The output of this is Virgin Raw material. Plastics can also be made from waste and renewable materials through a process of sorting, cleaning, washing and extruding. These are categorised as Recycled Raw Materials.

Any Off-Grade Material is from a Petrochemical and is categorised as Off Grade because of not having the same standard as the Virgin Material. Although the standards are different from a petrochemical point of view, it could be advantageous for the buyer for various reasons, most importantly being the price.